CALL US! 855-712-1999
CALL US! 855-712-1999
With our professional collectors, credit bureau reporting capabilities and our state-of-the-art skip-tracing departments, we are able to collect your debts efficiently and professionally and allow more time for you to service you current customers.
Our staff is trained to strictly adhere to all state and federal guidelines, including the Federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and the fair credit reporting act. Our philosophy is based on negotiating, not bullying, which translates into a higher recovery rate than the typical collection agency.
Placements can be sent to us via mail, fax or via our secure online portal. Our state-of-the-art technology allows clients to not only place accounts securely via our online portal, but to monitor those accounts anytime day, or night.
Contact us today to get the debt recovery process initiated! Call us at 855-712-1999.